I Lost My Bikini!!! Bathing Suit Fail
I Lost My Bikini!!! Bathing Suit Fail bikini girl drawing
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bikini girl drawing
By Sophie | Ready to "wear it out loud?” Merch store open, SHOP NOW: http://bit.ly/storybooth-merch | Subscribe: http://bit.ly/sub2storybooth | Record your story @ https://storybooth.com or our iPhone app for a chance to get animated. Comment, like, share this story.
Ever have one of those nightmare dreams where you are undressed in front of your classmates? Well this story was no dream and the animation will bring it to life for you...At the end of 6th grade, Sophie got invited to the Birthday party of a girl she was kind of friends with that year. She was really excited because it was a pool party. This would be a great opportunity for her to spend time with her friends and other students from her school class.
Sophie's Mother was just as excited about Summer as Sophie was. So much so, that she went out and bought Sophie a bunch of new bathing suites, bikinis, one pieces, even though the ones she already had fit just fine. Moms can be funny like that.
Sophie came home from school and told her Mom, "Ay, Yo Mom, I'm going to this party." Her Mom got up and went to present her with a new bathing suit, the right one for this summer pool party. It was a bikini that tied on the sides of the top and of the bottom. a string bikini. If these ties on the bikini were to untie or break , the bikini would fall apart. Risk that her bikini would fall off? A serious bikini malfunction would potentially lead to a serious bikini fail she would not soon forget.
Undeterred by the potential disaster, Sophie, went to the pool party proudly in that string bikini. It was a party FILLED with guys and girls. More guys than girls actually and she was cool with that because many of her best friends were guys. The Summer pool party was going really well and she was having a great time with her friends.
Eventually, everyone decided to go on the diving board and because Sofie loved to jump and dive off of the diving board, she joined them without hesitation. When it was her turn, she decided to do a dive off of the diving board. When she hit the water, she realized someone was wrong...bikini malfunction, bikini fail, nightmare time. Her bikini had untied and completely fell off in the water. She tried desperately to retie it but could not. "OMG! I lost my bikini."
Without her bikini on because a massive wardrobe malfunction, Sofie slid over to her girlfriend in the pool and whispered to her that she was in trouble, "Yo, my bathing suite just came undone." Her friend immediate went underwater and confirmed the bikini fail. Her friend called all of the other girls, her friends, over to surround her. They tried to help her, they covered her with a floatie, and one girl told all the boys to go the the other side of the pool, so they could not see her. They helped her the best that they could. It was really awkward and embarrassing to say the least.
Her fear and embarrassment because of the bathing suit malfunction peaked when she learned that the Mother of the girl who's pool party it was was not home, only her Dad was. She he threw a towel into the pool, and she wrapper herself up in it, slightingly exposing herself buy accident in the process. She got out of the pool, untied string bikini in hand and went into the shed to compose herself where she cried a little at first. Then she retied her sting bikini and returned to the part like nothing ever happened. While she still enjoyed the rest of the party, her embarrassment kept her wanting to go home.
When she did go home, she walked over to her Mom and said, "I want to burn this bathing suit" which is exactly what she did. Talk about an embarrassing bikini story. This was a party fail, a bikini fail, a bathing suit fail and a swimming pool fail, all rolled into one day that embarrassed Sophie. She destroyed all traces of that bikini, hoping to destroy the memory of her embarrassing bathing suit story.
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