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Enjoy the sunset from Tanjung Kodok Beach Resort - Tanjung Kodok Beach Resort

Yes, Tanjung Kodok Beach Resort (TKBR) is a three star resort located directly west of Lamongan Marine Tourism. This hotel is located on the north coast of Java Island, precisely in the Paciran District, Lamongan Regency, East Java.

From the city of Surabaya, TKBR can be reached in just an hour and a half by car. Understandably, the access to the hotel is a paved highway with a pleasant view.

What are the advantages of this hotel. One of them is the beautiful view that you can enjoy directly from the hotel room. Not only the vastness of the sea, but also the enchanting rocks and natural caves that you can easily enjoy.

Understandably, Tanjung Kodok Beach Resort is the only oceanfront hotel in Java. No wonder so many guests come back because they miss the sunset from their hotel room.

TKBR has prepared several options for rooms. Starting from the family room, villa executive, villa deluxe, junior suite, deluxe to the pavilion. Interested just go to Jalan Raya Paciran Lamongan or call 0322-666000. Next, enjoy an unforgettable vacation with your family. (ahmad arif | photo: doc tkbr)

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