28 good waterfalls (curug) in Bogor and more hits 2019 - explore Bogor
Bogor is a district in the province of West Java. Not only is Bogor known as the city of rain, but it also has many exotic and amazing tourist attractions for waterfalls (Sundanese = curug). Curug is very suitable for those of you with an adventurous spirit. Curug can also offer a different vacation experience.
There are always new tourist objects sought and hunted, especially waterfalls. Well, Bogor has a lot of hidden waterfalls that we should visit. The more hidden, the more sought after, because the hidden one has a natural panorama and is very pleasant to visit.
This naturalness makes visitors hunt a lot, some hunt, so the photos produced are exotic and beautiful and many people like the results of the photos. However, there are also those who enjoy swimming or relaxing on the edge of the waterfall.
You don't need to be confused when looking for Curug in Bogor as we will be briefly looking at the Curug in Bogor. Here are 28 waterfalls in Bogor with their addresses:
Leuwi Hejo Waterfall (Leuwi Ijo), which has several touristic objects in the form of Leuwi and Waterfall, such as: Leuwi Hejo Waterfall, Leuwi Lieuk Waterfall, Cibaliung Waterfall and Barong Waterfall. This waterfall is common on social media.
1. Leuwi Hejo waterfall
Location: Cibadak, Sukamakmur, Bogor, West Java
2. Leuwi Lieuk waterfall
Location: Wangun Cileungsi Village, Karang Tengah Village, Madang District, Sentul, Bogor Regency
3. Cibaliung waterfall
Location: Karang Tengah Village, Babakan Madang District, Sentul, Bogor Regency.
4. Curug Barong
Location: Pabuaran, Sukamakmur, Bogor, West Java
5. Ciburial waterfall
Location: Cibeurem Sentul Village, Bogor
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