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14 Sundanese Typical Foods Most Culinary Will Want To Prepare

Bandung, the capital of West Java Province, is home to the majority of the population of Sundanese descent, so most of the groceries can be found here Bandung also comes from Sundanese. The Sundanese are an Austronesian ethnic group who lived between 1,500 and 1,000 BC. Immigrated to Java. This is where typical Sundanese food begins to develop.

Sundanese specialties are characterized by the freshness of the Sundanese cuisine, which has exactly the taste easy and clean. Typical Sundanese food is exemplified by the tendency to use raw vegetables. Some of the most famous Sundanese dishes are soto bandung, batagor, dumplings, lotek and surabi.

Considering we discussed some of the Sundanese specialties on the menu post Office This is dedicated to typical Bandung food, so this time we will try to pick out some special menus that maybe a little bit underrated to the post Office-an this time. Enjoy!

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1. Mie Rica

If you want to enjoy spicy food, eating Sundanese Rica noodles is a must. For those of you who claim to like spicy foods and feel challenged to eat superfoods fiery, You can try typical Sundanese food that is said to be as spicy as it is often advertised.

According to some people who have try it Rica noodles, eating this typical Sundanese food, can make your mouth burn without numbing the taste. TasteSundanese rica noodles may be similar to the Indonesian version of spaghetti bolognese, but with a very tangy feel.

Typical Sundanese food
Mie Rica Kejaksaan - Good Indonesian Food

To the enjoy At Mie Rica Kejaksaan, you can try authentic Sundanese food made from rica noodles. Mie Rica Kejaksaan was founded in the 1960s and is known for its noodles fiery with spicy minced pork. Mie Rica Kejaksaan is located in Jalan Braga and you will definitely have no problem finding it as this restaurant is very popular with the locals.

2. Oxtail soup

A typical Sundanese meal, oxtail soup, consists of pieces of oxtail served in a clear beef broth and containing various ingredients such as boiled potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, leeks, celery, and fried shallots. Sundanese oxtail soup is usually more treated Complete this food being cooked for several hours until great Gently.

Oxtail Soup - What to Cook Today

Sometimes the oxtail soup is also grilled after cooking to give it flavor smoky the delicious. Several restaurants on Bandung As in Dapur, Dangkapati also made a unique version called fried oxtail soup, where the oxtail is fried and served dry with the soup in a separate bowl. A bowl of oxtail soup usually costs IDR 75,000

3. Surabi

Surabi or Serabi is a different type of pancakes Indonesian kind made from rice flour, cooked in a clay pot over charcoal. Traditionally, this dish is usually served with palm sugar sauce and coconut milk. Well, although it looks like a martabak Here, Surabi, a typical Sundanese food that is served with different ingredients.

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Restaurants serving surabi usually place clay pots in which they cook surabi on a bed of hot coals at the front of the restaurant as a symbol for advertising. The Sundanese version of surabi, which is drier and firmer with a texture like a pancake, is often considered to be one of the best versions of surabi in Indonesia. You know.

Typical Sundanese food
Surabi - RedDoorz Blog

The Soerabi variety was developed by Soerabi Enhaii with additional toppings such as cheese, chocolate, banana and even sausages and meatballs. Topped with cheese and poured with sweetened condensed milk. For the second option, there is a cool place to eat called Surabi Imut which is about 7km north of Jalan Braga and is considered the best place to visit if you want. try it The real Sundanese surabi.

4. Combro

Combro is a kind of Sundanese snack worth trying and not to be missed. The main ingredient in this food is grated cassava. The sweet potato slices are shaped into medium-sized balls and filled with sauteed oncom - red-orange fermented beans that are closely related to tempeh. Combro is the best indulgence during the afternoon tea moments and most delicious when chewed with green chilies.

5. Lotek

Kitchen-style Sundanese gado-gado is better known as lotek, a vegetable salad made from raw vegetables that is cooked or steamed with a range of other ingredients such as boiled eggs, potatoes, tofu, tempeh, and cireng (fried tapioca flour). Lotek is usually served with peanut sauce, which gives a characteristic sweet taste that is one of the flavors of a typical Sundanese food.

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6. Wedang Ronde Ginger

Ronde or Wedang Ronde is a dessert made from sticky rice balls and served in a hot ginger dressing. Wedang rounds usually come in two sizes - small and large. Usually HereThe larger ones are filled with peanuts and sugar.

Wedang Ronde Jahe - hob

For those of you unfamiliar with the taste of ginger, the sauce may be too harsh. dessert This Sundanese specialty has all the flavors of spicy, sweet, hot and a watery texture.

As with the taste of herbal medicines, you can feel the inside of your throat coated with a warm tingling sensation with each spoon. This indulgence is definitely the most suitable drink precisely sore throat again. If you're already bored with the feel of ginger, try biting it right into the chewy center for the sweet, nutty flavor.

7. Grilled rice

Grilled rice is a product of the development of rice lead. This food can be made by simply roasting lead wrapped rice or mixing rice with ingredients and spices before wrapping it in banana leaves and grilling over a charcoal fire.

Typical Sundanese food
Nasi Bakar - IDN times

material garnish The main course is usually salted chicken or fish with sliced ​​basil and red chillies to add flavor. Grilled Sundanese rice is easy to find at grocery stores Snacks on the streets or in Sundanese restaurants.

8. Ambokueh

The main ingredient of ambokueh is rice flour, and the dish is usually served with lapciong (Chinese style Chinese sausage), ngo-hyong (Chinese style processed pork), fried tofu, brown hard-boiled egg.Topping with cucumber slices and a slightly sour sticky brown sauce.

This combination might sound strange, but you'll likely agree that it's probably one of the best foods you will ever try. Ambo kueh see China Town like Jl. Temple, Jl. Cibadak or Jl. Gardujati. You can find a simplified version and a halal version at the street vendors in front of the school.

Ambokueh - Recipes and Food

9. Bean sprouts

Bean sprouts or better known as Gecois basically a simple dish from the Cianjur region filled with peas and tauco spices. To devour this typical Sundanese delicacy, you can try eating this food at several street vendors in the town of Bandung. Some additional dishes from this Tauge Tauco dish may come in the form of ketupat, boiled eggs, tofu, and potatoes. To add flavor and if you want, you can also add Lahang vinegar.

Typical Sundanese food
Sprouts Tauco - Red and White

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10. Crush

Gepuk is a typical Sundanese food, a kind of jerk that is common not only in West Java but Jakarta as well. The hearty taste and the slightly sweet taste always manage to hypnotize the lovers culinarywhile you enjoy the tender beef. Before being cooked in many spices such as bay leaves, tamarind and galangal, the meat used for the gepuk ingredients is first chopped up and beaten - that's why this food is called "gepuk".

Typical Sundanese food
Gepuk - Primarasa

11. Kupat Tahu

Kupat is Sundanese for Ketupat, similar to Lontong. If lontong is rice that is compacted, wrapped, and steamed with banana leaves, the ketupat is wrapped in young coconut leaves. Kupat served with fried tofu, peas and di-above topped with thick hot peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce, fried onions and crackers. Kupat Tahu is easy to find with street vendors on the street, but for those of you who want the feel of real Sundanese food from Kupat Tahu, you can visit Lontong Tahu Cihapit on Jl. Serayu.

12. Maranggi satay

The state in Indonesia appears to be limited in the realm of Padang State or Madura State. WellTravel to West Java and you will find it Maranggi satay. This goat or beef skewer, from the Purwakarta region, is marinated with various spices such as coriander and ginger and then grilled over medium heat. Sate Maranggi is not smothered in peanut sauce, but served with cucumber and sweet soy sauce.

Typical Sundanese food
Maranggi Satay - hob

13. Oncom

Oncom is a Sundanese food which is a fermented mushroom product. The process is very similar to tempe, but oncom is created after the spores have formed, while tempeh's fermentation process is stopped before the spores form.

The red oncom is made from soybean cake while the black knot is made from peanut cake. Usually oncom is consumed in this form fritter away, crisps, Combro or Pepes (steamed oncom in banana leaves). Combro stands for Oncom In Jero (Oncom inside), where Oncom and chilies are stuffed into the cassava mixture and then fried as a snack.

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13. Lalapan and Leunca

It is common knowledge that Sundanese people like to eat hot rice with raw vegetables called lalab or lalapan. These vegetables are usually filled with raw cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, leuncas, and green leaves like basil and cassava.

Typical Sundanese food
Lalapan and Leunca - Kobe Kitchen

Leunca is the name of a type of bitter vegetable like cherries in Sundanese specialties. Leunca can be eaten raw or cooked with oncom and spices Leuk Ulukutek. It is very suitable to be eaten alongside other main dishes, especially fried food and fresh chilli sauce. You miss this typical Sundanese food!

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