"Bachelor" Couple Colton And Cassie Have Broken Up And I'm Not Surprised, I'm Just Disappointed

Well, at least they lasted this long.
It's official, folks: Colton and Cassie from The Bachelor have broken up.
In case you forgot, Colton's season of The Bachelor ended rather unconventionally a little over a year ago, when frontrunner Cassie decided to go home before her overnight.
She told Colton she didn't think she was ready to get married.
Colton broke up with his other two suitors to go after her, notably pulling off his mic, jumping a fence, and disappearing into the night.
How was this iconic moment only a year ago??
Both Cassie and Colton released statements on Twitter and Instagram:
The breakup seems to have been amicable and mutual.
They haven't posted together since April 27, when Colton posted a video on Instagram for Cassie's 25th birthday.
Bachelor couples usually break up, if we're being really honest...but it's still sad, and people on Twitter are understandably upset.
the fence finding out that it got jumped over for nothing now that colton and cassie broke up
Others are...not surprised, especially because Cassie said she wasn't ready for marriage and left the show in the first place.
Others are feeling like we definitely have more important things to be worrying about right now.
Which, fair.
I guess sometimes things aren't meant to be. :/
Maybe Colton or Cassie can find love on Paradise?? Also, I'm single. Just saying.
Anyway, I'm sad. That's all. Farewell.
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