RuPaul Wore A Mask Again During The "RuPaul's Drag Race" Finale And You Better Believe That People Have Thoughts

Last night was the very much-anticipated RuPaul's Drag Race Season 12 finale, which, like the reunion episode, was filmed virtually because of the quarantine.
Of course the finale featured the QUEEN of our hearts, Heidi N. Closet, being crowned this year’s Miss Congeniality...
...which even included a cameo from Miss Dolly Parton, herself!!!
And ::::::::SPOILER ALERT:::::::::::
We also got our Season 12 winner, Jaida Essence Hall, who, rightfully, sashayed away with the crown!!!
FTR, both Crystal Methyd and Gigi Goode were amazing and this was for sure a very close call.
But there was another thing fans of the show were talking about: Mama Ru wore a mask AGAIN, like she did in the reunion episode.
Now for some context (for those readers who might not know), Ru doesn't dress in drag for the reunion episode, but she does always go full-on eleganza extravaganza for the finale. So seeing Ru not in drag and just wearing another mask with a cape was disappointing, to say the least.
Of course, the internet had thoughts on that and here are some of the best reactions to Ru's finale look:
RuPaul this is the finale dammit! We need to see your face 👀
12:17 AM - 30 May 2020
#DragRaceFinale #RuPaulsDragRace
Not RuPaul recycling the same face mask look two weeks in a row, Michelle would have dragged her 😂
08:43 AM - 30 May 2020
On this Day in history, RuPaul was officially banned from critiquing drag ever again. #WhattheFrack
09:12 AM - 30 May 2020
valentina sat at home watching rupaul wear a mask as a cop out after he sent her home for doing the same thing
08:55 AM - 30 May 2020
When you have to host the #DragRaceFinale at 8:00 but destroy Toon Town and frame Roger Rabbit at 9:00
12:26 AM - 30 May 2020
anyone saying rupaul is not in drag is just not educated,,, this is called hamburglar chic😫😫😫
12:23 AM - 30 May 2020
Well, all I can say is: Ru, I know we're in the middle of a the corona pandemic, but, please, no more slouching on the glamour!!!
Also, if anything, we need a "Night Of 1,000 Ru Masks" runway theme next season.
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